

Whether you’re Winsford-based, Churched-based or just dropping in – you’re very welcome to our developing website! Winsford has some great Churches busy doing lots of amazing things, and so we’re taking this opportunity to share who we all are and what we’re doing together. You’ll find Church contacts who can give you much more information on what’s going on locally.

We continue to:

• Increase our profile through our website, leaflets and social media and to develop a “Celebrate Winsford” brand for shared mission into the town and surrounding villages;

• Engage with all the Churches of whatever stream or denomination, especially those not recently involved; and

• Connect more with the wider Church via Churches Together in Cheshire and the local community via Winsford Town Council and more.

If you’d like more information, or if we’ve missed any Church out, then please contact Sue the Secretary or Kathy Vice-Chair using their contacts below.


Thank you and #GodBlessWinsford!